Thanks for your message!
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.
Black Shirts, Black skorts and Black socks
This is a triangular against 2 x Cirencester teams. The second match is at 1145 hrs. We will be finished by c1250 hrs.
UA Uma Ahluwalia
IB Inky Bowden
EC-H Edie Campbell-Hern
BC Bronte Cooper
C J lola Costa Jafrate
CC Cecily Cox
DH Daisy Hopcraft
CJ Charlotte Johnson
OJ Olivia Johnston
florrie johnstone
FM Florence Miller
CN Charlotte Neale
LP Lottie Pallister
Blythe pearce
FP Frankie Phillips
Zara Reed
Emily Roselt
MS Moji Shorrock
BS Bella Smith
ST Sophie Thornley
UA Uma Ahluwalia
IB Inky Bowden
EC-H Edie Campbell-Hern
BC Bronte Cooper
C J lola Costa Jafrate
CC Cecily Cox
DH Daisy Hopcraft
CJ Charlotte Johnson
OJ Olivia Johnston
florrie johnstone
FM Florence Miller
CN Charlotte Neale
LP Lottie Pallister
Blythe pearce
FP Frankie Phillips
Zara Reed
Emily Roselt
MS Moji Shorrock
BS Bella Smith
ST Sophie Thornley
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.